



Rhode Island College recommends that all students be up to date with vaccinations, 包括新的COVID-19助推器.


的 RIC administration is truly thankful for the cooperation of each member of our campus community to date as we strive to safeguard everyone’s health and wellness and deliver a rich campus experience. Please continue to abide by the mitigations we have laid out to assure your own health, 还有你的同学, 教职员工.




如果你接触过COVID-19阳性的人, take precautions regardless of your vaccination status or if you have had a previous infection.

  • 如果您已经接触过COVID-19,则不再需要隔离.
  • 观察症状10天.
  • 佩戴高质量口罩10天.
  • 暴露后5天接受检测.
  • 如果与您同住的人患有COVID-19, 尽量避免和他们在一起 如果你一定要在他们身边,戴上面具.
  • 在接触后10天内,你仍然可能患上COVID-19. 如果你出现任何COVID-19症状, 把自己隔离在家里, 打电话给你的医疗保健提供者, 去做测试.



  • 访问 疾控中心的隔离和暴露计算器 来确定你的隔离日期.
  • 在家(隔离)至少5天. Individuals with COVID-19 must isolate even if they do not have symptoms of COVID-19. 只有在紧急情况下才隔离. 如果你住在国际扶轮并且可以安全回家,那么我们推荐你. 如果你不能,那就把自己隔离在宿舍/公寓里. 如果你有室友, 尽量避免和他们在一起, 使用后清洁浴室, 如果你一定要在他们身边,戴上面具.
  • 如果你的免疫系统较弱, 也被称为“免疫功能低下”,“你可能需要隔离整整10天. 如果您认为这适用于您,请咨询医疗保健提供者.


  • 如果你生病了,请拨打 401-456-8055 或者你的医疗保健提供者获得医疗建议. 保健服务处提供远程保健访问.
  • If you think you are having a medical emergency call 911 or Campus Police 401-456-8888 或者去最近的医院. 这可能包括呼吸困难, 胸部持续疼痛或压迫, 新的困惑, 不能清醒或不能保持清醒, 或者嘴唇或脸发青.


  • Contact your professors and employer (if applicable) to inform them that you will be out for at least 5 days. Discuss with your professors the assignments that will be due during your isolation and how to keep up with the course from home/dorm room. 
  • If you are a dorm student/resident on campus and live nearby consider returning home.
  • 不去学校的其他地方吗.
  • 你需要的东西送到了吗. 让朋友和家人把你需要的东西送来, 比如食物和其他必需品, 在你的门口. If this is not possible residential students should use the Donovan app “Get Mobile" (available in the Apple or Android app stores) or call Residential Life at 401-456-8240 寻求帮助.
  • 你是否尽力与那些和你住在一起的人保持距离. 如果可以的话,使用独立的浴室和卧室. 远离厨房和家里其他人聚集的其他房间. 不要共用个人家用物品,如杯子、毛巾和键盘. 如果你必须和其他人在一个房间里,戴上口罩. 室友应该有一个COVID-19/疾病计划. 如果你已经接触过,无论是否接种疫苗,都要采取预防措施.
  • 让你的密切接触者知道你感染了COVID-19. Consider any contacts you spend time with, visit, volunteer with, or ride in a car with.
  • 了解COVID-19的治疗方法. Treatment is most important if you are at elevated risk of becoming very sick from COVID-19. 越早开始治疗,效果越好. 
  • COVID期间不要锻炼. 你应该休息. 多喝水,不喝酒,不喝能量饮料.
  • 听从医疗保健提供者的建议.

RIC COVID-19缓解措施

Please take note of our updated COVID-19 policies and protocols for Fall 2023.


的 vaccine has been proven to be safe and effective in averting serious illness and hospitalizations. esball官方网(RIC)要求所有学生, faculty and staff who received COVID-19 vaccinations outside of Rhode Island to enter their vaccination dates and upload their COVID-19 vaccination card in the Medicat patient portal. 

Bivalent vaccine is strongly recommended to reduce the severity of illness, 保护高危人群, 减少对卫生保健资源的压力. RIC will strongly recommended students and non-classified employees to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. 不再需要医疗和宗教豁免.   

RIC还建议所有符合条件的学生, faculty and staff consult with their primary care physician as to whether they should receive the currently available COVID-19 Bivalent vaccine.

健康中心-健康服务 办公室提供测试.


如果校园里的人数激增, 或者RIDOH是否提醒我们社区疫情激增, we will reserve the right to require non-vaccinated students to enter the testing protocol, 或者建立一个屏蔽协议, 与RIDOH协商.

*面具 will be required for all positive cases on Days 6-10 (following proper isolation).

Surgical (paper) masks and KN95 and N95’s offer the best protection against transmission. 面具 should cover both the nose and mouth and fit tightly to assure the best protection. 欧米克隆变异的高传染性, wearing face coverings in a way that produces a good fit with no air gaps is most protective. If resources are limited, double masking as described in CDC guidance is the next best option. 不允许佩戴绑腿、围巾和布制口罩.


  • 住校学生请与学校联系 健康中心 (CHW)安排测试. 不去上课或去其他聚集的地方(例如.g.、图书馆、体育馆).
  • 通勤的学生, please contact your primary care provider to schedule a test and contact CHW 如果积极. 不来校园.
  • Faculty and staff, please contact your primary care provider to schedule a test and contact 人力资源 如果积极. 不来校园
  • 访问 疾控中心的隔离和暴露计算器 来确定你的隔离日期.
  • 在家(隔离)至少5天. Individuals with COVID-19 must isolate even if they do not have symptoms of COVID-19. 只有在紧急情况下才隔离. 如果你住在国际扶轮并且可以安全回家,那么我们推荐你. 如果你不能,那就把自己隔离在宿舍/公寓里. 如果你有室友, 尽量避免和他们在一起, 使用后清洁浴室, 如果你一定要在他们身边,戴上面具.
  • 如果你的免疫系统较弱, 也被称为“免疫功能低下”,“你可能需要隔离整整10天. 如果您认为这适用于您,请咨询医疗保健提供者.


  • Students who live near campus and have their own transportation can isolate at home.
  • Students who are positive can cohort into identified rooms/locations for the isolation period.
  • 住在一个宿舍的学生可以在自己的房间隔离.


Students with co-morbidities that 的地方 them at higher risk for serious disease should consult with 卫生服务 or their private health care provider regarding the best strategies for reducing their risk and avail themselves of accommodations offered by RIC. 在学生成功方面,向校园伙伴推荐并与之合作, academic affairs and disability services will afford students an opportunity to address their specific needs.

员工应谘询 人力资源 解决他们的个人问题.

更详细的信息, 包括旅行和esball官方网协议可以在这个网页上找到, 更新将通过电子邮件从 stayinformed@visuallytech.com.

Should circumstances or local conditions change, RIC may reinstate or strengthen certain measures (e.g., bivalent boosters or mask wearing) as well as other mitigations based on guidance from CDC or RI Department of Health.





We are here to provide confidential and holistic primary health care and counseling to enhance the academic potential of our students. 远程医疗预约.